I’m trying to go as clean as possible. I guess being home so much made me realize how many chemicals I use on a regular basis. While I don’t have an issue with that (I really don’t), I also don’t want my home smelling like bleach every damn day.
Homemade potpourri to the rescue.
I love Pinterest for the simple fact I can get so many ideas from there I didn’t think were even ideas. And once I discovered homemade potpourri, it brought me back to the 90’s where they were the rage and my mother had some. But this is different. This is potpourri in a pot.

3 cups of fresh cranberries
Orange slices
3-5 Cinnamon sticks
1 cup of whole cloves
3-4 cups of water
Mix everything together and boil the water, turn it down to simmer.
Really that simple! And fun for the whole family.

How do you like your simmering potpourri?